Play Some Vintage Games

Games from the past are making a serious comeback for all ages!

Consider planning an event where you have retro games to replace some screen time. Activities that keep hands and minds busy and also take some time to develop a skill are ideal. Not only are they fun for young people discovering them for the first time but older generations get nostalgic and like to relive their childhood. They can also teach the younger ones so you can have a moment for true connection.

We love yo yo’s, hula hoops, rubiks cubes, hacky sack, and flop balls (like hacky sack but easier to use). Some paper crafts to consider are origami, and making paper airplanes. Perhaps you can start a meetup to work on crocheting or knitting at a coffee shop or on campus.

See if your city has any groups that come together already or would be willing to come teach yoyo or crochet basics at your event. The New York YoYo Club meets at the mall and city parks to practice tricks and they love to get more people to pick up the habit.


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