Turn Your Phone into a Tool (not the other way around!)

Technology can be wonderful and can also distract us from what matters most. Learning how to use features that help you with life/tech balance is a great way to keep up an unplugging practice.

Use your phone. Don’t let it use you! Replying to texts is sometimes a full time job. We are living in a world where we expect people to be accessible 24/7.

Iphone has Focus Mode to allow you to communicate to people texting you when notifications are paused on your phone.


Either go to Settings > Focus > Do Not Disturb, or, pull the menu down from the top right corner of your screen > Focus > Do Not Disturb.

Even more helpful…Digital Wellness Coach, Tommy Sobel, has found a hack to make your iPhone auto reply to SMS.


Create a tribute rock #blazeitforward


Have Fun Improving Your Tech Habits